Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Zoom Bursts

Our assignment  this month for the Gilford Clicker Club was to " create radial, spiral, and motion blurs during your camera shot!"  Here is the video:  http://youtu.be/amy6659_5WM 
  Well let me tell you... when I first tried this effect of zoom burts.. I found with my bridge camera, I couldnt figure out how to make the zoom move at the same time I was taking the picture.. So I tried spinning the camera around.. it was not a burst but a mess.  Finally I borrowed a DSLR and after experimenting and viewing other peoples zoom bursts.. I sort of got the hang of it.  I had difficulty getting the one flower or object in good focus and then getting the burst.  It was an interesting challenge.
Below are the shots that I have decided post from all my practice shots:

When I edited the shot below, the blue seemed to jump right out..

Below is at the Mill downtown.. the water going over the dam with a reflection in the foreground.

Also down at the Mill downtown...

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