Monday, January 2, 2012


Day 2;

 I got up early this morning and took some pictures outside.  Walked around my neighborhood and enjoyed the morning quiet.    Also took some pictures inside.  As I was taking pictures of some amaryllises in front of a mirror propped up on the floor, one of my cats (Jasmine) was sniffing the stick that was there to support the plant as it grew.  I thought it a cute picture with the reflection of the plant in the mirror behind it.  I also notice now, that I like the lines of the wooden floor.


  1. Love this one. Watch out though. Jasmine might be a vampire. I don't see her reflection in the mirror! Haha

  2. Wonderful shot of Jasmine doing what she does best--being full of wonder at her world! I like the floor lines diagonals and the kitty-planter diagonal, moves the eye thru the foreground to the mirror behind. I like the soft colors. Great!

  3. Lighting is perfect in this image. Very nice composition. Martha
